Marmore Falls

Cesi door of Umbria door of wonders

The Marmore Falls, a breathtaking spectacle formed by River Velino dropping into River Nera, is a place full of history and charm

Its creation dates back to the year 271 B.C., when Consul M. Curio Dentato had the Curiano chanel dug to reclaim the Velini lakes and resolve the problem of flooding and swampland that made the Rieti plain an unhealthy land.

But it is not only its engineering works that makes the Marmore Falls such a special place. In the years following its creation, numerous regulatory and embankment interventions were carried out which gave rise to the famous "Renaissance reclaimed". Great architects such as Fioravante Fioravanti, Antonio Sangallo the Younger, Giovanni Fontana and Andrea Vici, left their mark in the area, creating a true and proper jewel of architectural and scenic beauty.

The Marmore Falls became a stop on the Great Tour between the 17th and 19th centuries and was visited, described and reproduced by the most important artists of the time. This stunning place has inspired poets, painters and writers, who have sought to capture its beauty and magnificence.

The waterfall has also played an important role in the hydroelectric energy production, becoming part of the large hydroelectric system of the Galleto Power Station since the 1930s. However, apart from being used for energy purposes, the Marmore Falls continues to attract visitors from all over the world who are fascinated by its natural beauty and history. 

Inside the Waterfall Park it is possible to follow six fascinating trails where one can admire the waterfall from various prospectives and enjoy enchanting views, or practise  a series of outdoor sports such as, rafting, canyoning, hydrospeed or kayaking. The Marmore Waterfall Park also offers the possibility of visiting some caves and karst formations dug out by the water over millennia.

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