Mount Martani Tour (racing bikes) 2 Stages - Day 2 - From Montefalco to Cesi

Cesi door of Umbria door of wonders

Racing bike tour for experts. Excellent training required. In some parts of the tour it may be necessary to push your bike

The second stage of the Mount Martani Tour leaves Montefalco and, always on secondary roads with little traffic, passes through the villages of Gualdo Cattaneo, Bastardo and Giano dell'Umbria before tackling the climb to the top of Mount Martano at an altitude of 1090 metres, from here a beautiful view can be admired that sweeps across two valleys. 

To avoid the dirt road it goes back to Giano and then arrives at Massa Martana on a pretty road. Continuing downhill it turns towards Colpetrazzo and then takes the road to Acquasparta. From here it goes uphill to Cesi, passing through the Archeological Park of Carsulae.

Maximum altitude1.030 m
Minimum altitude240 m

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