The traditions of the village

Cesi door of Umbria door of wonders

Saint Biagio Feast

Saint Biagio Feast is held on February 3rd. On this occasion the people of Cesi, repeating an ancient custom, go to the church of  St. Biagio where they bless the candles and holy oil and have a snack.

The popular saying “A San Biagio de li tozzi, a me m’aiuti a te te strozzi” (Give St. Biagio chunks, it helps me but chokes you) recalls that St. Biagio was the protector of the throat.

Cesi June

Giugno Cesano”, is a period of celebrations dedicated to the patron St.Onofrio and is an event promoted by the Pro Loco of Cesi (association promoting local culture and tourism), which has been promoting the local area for over 40 years.

The programme is rich in events and appointments to enhance the history of Cesi, its traditions and  gastronomy.

Furthermore, as part of Cesi June, at the hermitage of St.Erasmo  the “Mountain Festival” a series of religious, gastronomical, musical, ludic and recreational initiatives is planned.