Former St. Andrew’s church

Cesi door of Umbria door of wonders

The original building dates back to the 12th century, but the date 1560 can be read on the architrave which probably refers to the 16th century restoration with the addition of the niches that served as chapels.

In the first niche there is a fresco of Saint Lucia between the saints Sebastian and Rocco, in the second is Our Lady Enthroned with Child, between the saints Anthony Abbot and Augustine.
Remains of frescoes can also be found on the apse wall. Deconsecrated at the end of the 19th century it was used as a theatre, a function it still performs today as well as a meeting place for the village community for initiatives and events.

From the outside only the right wall is visible, the rest is embedded into later buildings. Next to the entrance door fragments from Carsulae are inserted.